EX LIBRIS SILLART, Sillamäe May 2024 

Curator / Kuraator / Куратор: Francisco Martínez Designer / Disainer / Дизайнер: Viktor Gurov Artists / Kunstnikud / Художники: Anna Škodenko, Evgeny Fedorov, Eléonore de Montesquiou, Francisco Martínez, Sanna Kartau, Varvara & Mar, Viktor Gurov.

This exhibition is inspired by the library left behind in the School n. 1 of Sillamäe, an institution that was closed in 1999. Subsequently, the building hosted the ECOMEN Institute of Economics & Management for seven years before being abandoned. In Latin, ex libris referred to anything that comes out of the books. In Medieval times, the term started to be used in relation to a book owner’s identification label. Now, the library has been intruded by a series of artists, re-appropriating its materials in a parasitical way. The books are still present, alas they do not always make sense in the present. Nonetheless, their ideas and aesthetics keep on fermenting otherwise. Burden or delayed gift, the library is available for novel relations of exchange. But what kind of knowledge is lost when a library disappears? How can we accommodate what does not fit in the present? And what can we learn by looking into the things we left behind? A minibus Tallinn-Sillamäe-Tallinn is provided to attend the opening, on the 4th of May. To register, please contact: francisco.martinez@tuni.fi & viktor.gurov@artun.ee

Näitus on inspireeritud 1999. aastal suletud Sillamäe 1. keskkooli raamatukogust, mis erinevalt koolist veel füüsiliselt eksisteerib. Keskkooli sulgemise järel hõivas hoone seitsmeks aastaks Majanduse ja juhtimise instituut ECOMEN, pärast seda on maja olnud kasutuseta. Ex libris tähendab ladina keeles “raamatute seast”, viidates millele iganes, mis raamatute vahelt välja võib tulla. Tänase tähenduse – raamatu omanikumärk – sai eksliibris keskajal. Nüüd on raamatukogusse tunginud rühm kunstnikke, kes uuskasutavad parasiitidena selle materjali. Raamatud on endiselt olemas, hoolimata sellest, et tänases päevas pole sel olemasolul erilist kaalu. Siiski käärivad nende ideed ja esteetika omakeskis edasi. Olgu raamatukogu näol tegu koorma või hilja üle antud kingitusega, jääb see avatuks uutele vahetussuhetele. Aga mis teadmised kaovad, kui kaob üks raamatukogu? Kuidas hoida seda, mis tänapäeva ei sobitu? Ja mida saame õppida, kui vaatleme maha jäetud asju? Avamiseks 4. mail sõidab marsruudil Tallinn-Sillamäe-Tallinn tasuta kunstibuss. Registreerimiseks võtke palun ühendust: francisco.martinez@tuni.fi & viktor.gurov@artun.ee

Эта выставка вдохновлена судьбой библиотеки школы № 1 города Силламяэ, учебного заведения, которое было закрыто в 1999 году. Затем в течение семи лет в здании размещался Институт экономики и менеджмента ECOMEN, а позже оно было заброшено. Изначально латинское выражение ex libris относилось ко всему, что исходило из книг. В средние века этот термин стал означать ярлычок, удостоверяющий принадлежность книги определенному владельцу. А теперь в библиотеку вторглась группа художников и теперь уже они паразитически присвоили себе ее материалы. Эти книги все еще существуют, но увы, они во многом утратили актуальность. Тем не менее, их идеи и эстетика продолжают развиваться. Таким образом, библиотека — это не пассивное хранилище постепенно отмирающих знаний, а отсроченный дар, доступный для новых, непривычных отношений, изменений, действий. Какие знания теряются, когда исчезает библиотека? Какое можно найти применение тому, что пережило свое время? И что мы можем узнать, взлянув на вещи, в оставленные нами позади? На открытие, которое состоится 4 мая, организован бесплатный микроавтобус Таллинн-Силламяэ-Таллинн. Для регистрации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами: francisco.martinez@tuni.fi & viktor.gurov@artun.ee ***************************************************** Contacts: Francisco Martínez (Curator) E-mail: francisco.martinez@tuni.fi Telefon: +372 58038079 Eduard Zentsik (Gallerist) E-mail: sillart.gallery@gmail.com Thanks to / Tänu / Спасибо: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, WasteMatters ERC Project, Embassy of Spain to Estonia, National Library of Estonia, Fragrance Gallery, Hansabuss, Purtse beer, Sillamäe municipality, Semjon Krasulin, Eduard Zentsik, Allen Allet, Vladimir Gruzdev, Igor Daineko.

All’s Good Between Us, Riga

All’s Good Between Us

Thirty-Three Monsters
Conversation within the frame of "All’s Good Between Us" 
19.03 at 18h 
15.02. - 31.03.2024. curated by Andra Silapētere LCCA Riga

Participants: Dalībnieki: Eleonore de Montesquiou (EE/FR), Deniss Hanovs (LV), Jenny Zinovieff (GB) 

Thirty-Three Monsters by Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal (1866-1907) is a novel in diary form, first published in 1907 in St Petersburg, but banned due to the fact that it was the first lesbian novel in Russia. The text was published as a bilingual English-Russian edition in 2022 with illustrations by the artists Eleonore de Montesquiou and Varvara Toropkova. The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (LCCA) 19.03. 18.00 Thirty-Three Monsters. Conversation To reflect on the making of the book today and Lidiya Zinovieva-Annibal's text within the broader framework of questions of identity, sexuality and emancipation in the past and today, the conversation will feature artist Eleonore de Montesquiou and cultural historian and researcher Deniss Hanovs, as well as historian Jenny Zinovievff. “Thirty-Three Monsters” by Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal the first work of Russian literature to deal openly with the theme of lesbianism and critiques the objectifying male gaze. is a young woman’s intimate diary. It is written to another woman, Vera, her lover. Vera is older than the narrator and forces her to sit for 33 male painters who will paint 33 versions of her body, the 33 monsters. Vera initiated this search for truth, the exposure of her lover’s beauty to men and to art. Born in St Petersburg into an aristocratic family, Zinovieva-Annibal was a rebel and nonconformist throughout her life and in her work. She was an emblematic figure of symbolist circles in Petersburg in the early 1900s. With Viatcheslav Ivanov, her second husband Lydia organised the famous Wednesday meetings in their home the „Tower“ where Petersburg intellectuals and artists of the Silver Age gathered at the turn of the century. Lydia Zinovieva died of scarlet fever at the age of 41, shortly after the “Thirty-Three Monsters”. Eleonore de Montesquiou is French-Estonian, she was born in 1970 in Paris. Her work revolves around the articulation between private and official histories, personal and national identities. It tackles the intricacies and ambiguities of living in the margins, based on her personal experience of uprootedness. Eleonore is primarily working with film, she tapes testimonies, creating prosthetic memories of repressed histories. In her documentary-informed works, her camera becomes the voice of these voiceless people. Her work is based on a documentary approach, translated into films, drawings, and texts; it deals mainly with issues of integration/ immigration/ meaning of a nation in Estonia. Since 2007, she has filmed women living in the Estonian-Russian border town of Narva: “Na Grane”, in 2016, she started working with asylum seekers from French-speaking countries in Estonia: “Hope is no home” while pursuing a long-time film project in France with peasants in the Haute-Alpes: “Traverses”. Dr. art. Deniss Hanovs, (1977) wrote his PhD. On cultural practices of Latvian national movement in Latvian media of the 19th century and since then (2003) teaches at various universities in Latvia and abroad. Since 2021 he is a professor at the Latvian Art Academy. He is also DJ and created series of talks on integration issues in Russian language radio Baltkom (Kultprosvet) and also a series of stories dedicated to the development of European opera history of the 18th century. Jenny Zinovieff lives in Cambridge UK and worked for twenty years building up the alumni relations programme for the university. She was married, also for twenty years, to composer and musician Peter Zinovieff and began researching the history of the Zinovieff family, finding writings by ancestors going back to 1601. She translated private memoirs by Leo Alexandrovich (Peter’s grandfather) and his father Alexander Dmitrievich, which led in turn to the life and work of his sister, Lydia, her 33 Monsters and a collaboration with Eléonore, another direct descendant.

we don't want to be stars, but...., AMSTERDAM

we don't want to be stars but parts of constellations 

curators: Marjoca de Greef and Anastasija Pandilovska (NL, Suns and Stars) 
invited artists: Eleonore de Montesquiou (EE), Viktorija Ilioska (MKD), Elke Uithuis (NL) 

 January-February 2024, in Amsterdam 
September 2024: seminar (Amsterdam)

We don’t want to be stars (but parts of constellations) is a collaborative undertaking of Suns and Stars, Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseum (EKKM) and Faculty of things that can't be learned (FR~U).

33 Monsters in Sonntagsclub /

https://sonntags-club.de/programm/monster.php ab 18 Uhr: FrauenLesben*Freitag - Der Abend für queere Frauen und nichtbinäre Lesben 18.30: Lesben* Buch-Club 20.30: Lesung: 33 Monster
Reading and presentation of 33 Monsters by Lydia Zinovieva Annibal at the cult lesbian Berlin club Sonntagsclub, next friday, January 19th, at 20.30 Women welcome!!!!

Kolmes vahetuses. Töö lõpp / В трех сменах. Конец работы / In three shifts. End of work

SILLAMÄE, the film, will be shown in Sillamäe in a show curatd by Milena Appajeva, Õnne Paulus and Siim Raie (from 12/01/23 till 14/01/23)
https://www.facebook.com/events/1996360600723006 ------------------------------------------------ Sillart kunstigaleriis Sillamäel avatakse 12. jaanuaril kell 16.00 näitus “Kolmes vahetuses. Töö lõpp”. Sillart kunstigaleriis avatakse 12. jaanuaril kell 16.00 näitus, mis toob kokku Ida-Virumaa muuseumide kogudes olevad teosed ja kaasaegse videokunsti. Näituse keskmes on Kai Kaljo, Ivar Veermäe, Eléonore de Montesquiou, Marge Monko, Raivo Kelomehe ja Maria Kapajeva videokunsti teosed, mida on kõrvutatud Ida-Virumaa muuseumikogudest (Sillamäe muuseum, Kohtla-Järve Põlevkivimuuseum) pärit maalide ja graafikaga. Näituse kuraatorid on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia tudengid Milena Appajeva, Õnne Paulus ja Siim Raie. Vaid kolmel päeval avatud näitus tegeleb Ida-Virumaal jätkuvalt aktuaalse ja tundliku teemaga: traditsioonilise tööstuse, töökohtade kadumise ning töö ja töötamise viiside muutusega. Videokunsti, klassikalise maalikunsti ja graafika abil annab näitus ülevaate, kuidas on muutunud töötamine, sellega seotud väärtused ning töö kujutamine viimase poolesaja aasta jooksul kunstis. Näitus on avatud 12.–14. jaanuaril, iga päev kell 13.00–18.00. Avamine toimub 12. jaanuaril kell 16.00 Sillart galeriis (Mere pst 3, Sillamäe). 13. ja 14. jaanuaril kell 14.00 ja 16.00 toimuvad näitusel kuraatorituurid. Näitust toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Kunstiteaduse ja visuaalkultuuri instituut, Sillamäe Muuseum, Sillart ja Purtse pruulikoda. ––––– 12 января в 16.00 в галереи Sillart города Силламяэ открывается выставка “В трех сменах. Конец работы”. В художественной галереи Sillart открывается выставка, которая объединяет произведения искусства собранные из коллекций музеев Ида-Вирумаа и современных работ видеоарта. Центральными фигурами выставки являются работы Кай Кальё, Ивара Веермяэ, Элеоноре де Монтескью, Марге Монко, Райво Келомехе и Марии Капаевой, которые выставлены в одном пространстве с живописью и графикой найденной в музейных коллекциях (Силламяэский музей, Музей Сланца города Кохтла-Ярве). Кураторами выставки являются ученики Эстонской Академии Искусств - Милена Аппаева, Ынне Паулус и Сиим Райе. Выставка, которая будет открыта три дня, фокусируется на непрестанно актуальной для региона теме: исчезновению промышленных предприятий и нехватке рабочих мест, а также тому как изменилось понятие о работе и ее виды. С помощью видеоарта, живописи и графики, выставка предоставляет обзор того, как изменилась работа, ценности связанные с ней и ее изображение в искусстве за последние пятьдесят лет. Выставка открыта с 12–14 января, c 13.00–18.00. Открытие состоится 12 января в 16.00 в галерее Sillart (Mere pst 3, Sillamäe). 13 и 14 января в 14.00 и 16.00 пройдут кураторские туры. Выставку поддерживает Эстонский Культурный Капитал, Эстонская Академия Искусств, Силламяэский музей, галерея Sillart и пивоварня Пуртсе.

Photobook Week in Aarhus

ATOM CITIES books and my SHEROES postcards will be exhibited at Photobook Week in Aarhus, Denmark on November 2-5. thank you to Maria Kapajeva and Triin Kerge for curating the event.
A very brief announcement of the exhibition is already online here: https://photobookweek.org/updates/exhibition-on-photo-and-artistic-books-from-estonia/


I am very happy to invite you to the premiere in France of my film SWORDFISH SWORDFISH 2023 color Russian with EnglishST Prodution country: France ask me for the link if you cannot come to the festival!!! it was Moscow...2015...assassination of the opponent Nemtsov and the end of a period of time where we could still go to the street without being incarcerated now hatred, violence and fear reign. Schedule information: MEP Maison Européenne de la Photographie - Screening - Wednesday 1st November - 8PM